Success stories

Octavian Frunze

The road to success in agriculture: What financial lessons Octavian Frunze learned

Octavian Frunze, a dedicated farmer shared his experience of turning his passion for agriculture into a successful project. Over 11 years of hard work in this field, Octavian has learned valuable lessons about financial management, strategic investments and adaptability in the face of unpredictable challenges.
The right choice of the field in which to invest
With 10 years in shape, Octavian Frunze resorted to establishing the Octavian Nicolai Frunze Farm. Following the example of his brothers and passionate about agriculture, he turned to growing vegetables.

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Vladimir Seregov

Vladimir Seregov

Vladimir Seregov from Balanul Nou village, Râșcani district is proud of the 14 greenhouses he managed to build and achieve beautiful results. More than that, he says that one of the 14 greenhouses is underground and unique of its kind in our country. Vladimir's story began in 2016, when after several years of working abroad he decided to invest the money in a business developed at home, namely in greenhouses. The producer says that he always loved the land and when it came to the business he knew for sure that it would be something related to agriculture.

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Dumitru Naconecinîi

Dumitru Nakonechny

When you open your own business, the most difficult thing is to find a partner who would believe in your idea.

Regardless of the field and type of activity, many ambitious young people manage to open a successful business in Moldova. Of course, at the beginning of the journey, it is not easy - you have to manage a business with rather modest resources, but the satisfaction received in the process is worth the effort.

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Tudor Ursachi

Tudor Ursachi

“I learned an important lesson - if you want to earn money, you have to invest”, Tudor Ursachi, farmer

Farmers say, “Agriculture does not stand still”, and to meet all the challenges they face and develop a successful business, they invest. In the north of the country, Tudor Ursachi cultivates more than 200 hectares of agricultural land on which he grows crops. He believes that in our country, agriculture has a future and invests to get a stable income.

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