Tudor Ursachi

“I learned an important lesson - if you want to earn money, you have to invest”, Tudor Ursachi, farmer
Farmers say, “Agriculture does not stand still”, and to meet all the challenges they face and develop a successful business, they invest. In the north of the country, Tudor Ursachi cultivates more than 200 hectares of agricultural land on which he grows crops. He believes that in our country, agriculture has a future and invests to get a stable income.
“I have been farming for only a few years, but during this time I managed to learn an important lesson: if you want to earn money, you need to invest. It was a difficult year, it ruined our plans, but it helped us to understand that we have to change the approach, the way we produce and our goals,” explains Tudor Ursachi.
Tudor is already thinking about introducing one of the methods of American farmers into his farm - sowing catch crops to protect the soil. And in terms of investment, I have already bought a modern combine for harvesting grain crops. “In order to invest in technology, we need to optimize costs as much as possible. For example, I decided to buy a combine. The calculation is simple, apart from the fact that I always had to use harvesting services and spend money, I also had significant crop losses because I had to wait in line. When buying a combine, Mikro Kapital supported me financially. Now harvesting is much more efficient and I can think about growing my business.” The farmer says with a smile on his face: “When you ask for a loan, I am glad to hear a right answer from Mikro Kapital Moldova “When do you need it?”
“Investments must be made today. Tomorrow may be too late for agricultural processes. That's why I chose Mikro Kapital - it's a reliable partner that comes at the right time and with the right offer. We have already paid off the agricultural loan, and the next investment will be the purchase of soil-cultivating equipment adapted to the conditions. I bought a scarifier thanks to AGRO loan from Mikro Kapital Moldova, and I plan to purchase a sunflower harvester as well by taking another loan." The farmer plans not to expand the farming area, but to optimize production by investing in modern technologies.
“This season we have good harvests that we are happy with, but we have also invested heavily in production. So we have excellent results. We want to develop and we will do it, little by little, but we will do it, otherwise there is no point in starting activities in agriculture.”